Season 2024/2025 
a focus-year for unfinished things and new beginnings:

From September on, half of my time will be dedicated to writing a MA-thesis on dance literacy at Stockholm University of the arts which ideally should be done by June 2025.

The remaining time I continue developing FILLING – an installation I initiated last year, that links together my academic and artistic work on (hi)stories of dance. To be finished May 2025.

I continue interviewing Västra Götaland based artists for the BGL-podcast  I started this summer. This will go on for a while, perhaps for years.

All of these processes are intertwined and transform into movement research in the studio where this year I start the preparation for The house of the pelvic floor- a ballet. The third part of a trilogy I started in 2020. This I envision to premier in 2026.

In-between all that I keep contacting  programmers, agents, residencies in search for a an artistic home and collaborators with sensitive hearts and strong intuition.

People often tell me: its too much, one thing at a time.
But artistic processes, as calendars, they need to intertwine to be alive and everyone deals with time and the organization of it differently.

If you need exact dates or availability  just write me