“House of the pelvic floor- a ballet” is the third and final part of the 18 steps through (dance) history- trilogy initiated by Penkova in 2020.

Continuing to delve into the history and archives of Western dance practices  has led to an observation that the pelvic region is almost never an initiator of movement. With the exception of early modern dance pioneers who advocated an engagement of the pelvis in their techniques, it is striking to notice how through history the pelvic area plays a crucial role as a point of stability in Western dance. Often referred to as “the centre,” “the core,” or “the box,” it is considered something to be held and controlled. This observation raises questions about the avoidance of engaging with the bodily processes associated with this region in Western culture. Could it be a question of the good old dichotomy between Apollo and Dionysus? This time Penkova traces back to the formation of classical ballet to find out.



fall 2025-spring 2026

PREMIER late SPRING/early FALL 2026


early research residencies 2024:

1-6 july @ Vitlycke CPA

… november@ Konstkollektivet